DUTCH Complete Plus salivary Cortisol – 41 Markers


The DUTCH Complete Plus is the most advanced in home hormone test available. By offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol, the Cortisol Awakening Response and the total and distribution of cortisol metabolites along with their metabolites, one is able to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances, tying together every piece of the HPA axis into focus. Easily collected in the comfort of your own home, samples are then sent to our lab to be processed. The DUTCH test is the most accurate test that provides a complete assessment of hormonal health

Also Available – DUTCH Complete Plus salivary Cortisol plus cycle mapping $850 – Women Only

Provides the full picture of a woman’s cycle to answer important questions for patients with month-long symptoms, infertility and PCOS by mapping the progesterone and estrogen pattern throughout the menstrual cycle.

Target client:

  • Irregular hormonal issues
  • Monitoring hormonal treatment

Sample Requirement:

  • In home urine test

Turnaround Time

  • 2 weeks
SKU: N/A Category:


The DUTCH Complete Plus is the most advanced in home hormone test available. By offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol, the Cortisol Awakening Response and the total and distribution of cortisol metabolites along with their metabolites, one is able to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances, tying together every piece of the HPA axis into focus. Easily collected in the comfort of your own home, samples are then sent to our lab to be processed. The DUTCH test is the most accurate test that provides a complete assessment of hormonal health

Also Available – DUTCH Complete Plus salivary Cortisol plus cycle mapping $850 – Women Only

Provides the full picture of a woman’s cycle to answer important questions for patients with month-long symptoms, infertility and PCOS by mapping the progesterone and estrogen pattern throughout the menstrual cycle.